Solstices are symbols of transformation from within the universe and oneself. Cycles happen within a breath, day and a lifetime and it is important to know one’s place in any given cycle. Certain actions can be productive if they are preformed at the right time or they can be destructive if they transpire at an inappropriate time.
Monday is the winter solstice which is the shortest day of the year. We will experience a late dawn and an early sunset. After the winter solstice passes the triumphant daylight begins to slowly elongate and the nights become shorter. It is a sign that the daylight has returned and a new year will begin. Yet this movement is slow and to be attuned to the rhythms of nature one will be strengthened through rest. Staying grounded during this season is optimal for health and wellbeing.
The winter solstice has been recognized as a time to appreciate the light and the inspiration it brings to create art, music and joyfulness. Traditional Chinese culture views sunrise on the winter solstice as the most appropriate time to worship the Earth goddess. This is because the masculine or yang characteristic is at its strongest and most powerful and because the yin or feminine characteristic is being born and is becoming more energetic.
Ancient cultures participated with the seasonal cycles through rituals and celebrations, but most of the modern society is too absorbed in technology and mental chatter to notice the motions of the planets or cycles of the plants and animals. To honor the seasonal rhythms of the earth Richard Heinberg, author of Celebrate the Solstice: Honoring the Earth’s Seasonal rhythms through Festival and Ceremony suggests visiting a place in nature that is sacred to you, perhaps a stream, forest, rock or cave.
It is not necessary to take a major trek to find this place; it could literally be in your backyard. One benefit of finding a place that is close to home is that allows you to feel a deeper connection to the land and the area where you live. Once you have found your sacred place use your intuition to guide you and walk around in the direction you feel appropriate. Notice your surroundings with a clear mind and an open heart. Once you have found a place that feels special to you, ask the universe for permission to sit down. With a feeling of respect for the land meditate on receiving healing light and offer care and protection to the earth and her residents. If you live in a place where it is too cold to sit outside perhaps simply watching the sunrise and sunset would be a good way to reconnect with the rhythms of the Earth.