The use of castor oil has a long history of use in herbal medicine. Researchers in the Journal of Naturopathic Medicine reported the presence of castor bean seeds in Egyptian tombs dating back over 4,000 years. Historical archives have also documented the use of castor oil in Africa, India, Greece and Southern Europe. Ancient Romans were fully aware of its healing capabilities when they referred to the castor oil plant as Palma Christi meaning the hand of Christ.
The oil is extracted from the castor oil plant (ricinus communis) a large, leafy, tropical-looking plant with red or green “beans.” The castor bean is referred to as a bean, however is it not a true bean, but rather a thick round seed with small bumps on the surface. The seeds of the plant are mostly comprised of ricinolein, a rich fatty vegetable oil that is extracted and commonly grown in India and the Mediterranean.
Dr. William A. McGarey has completed an extensive amount of research in his medical career on the use of castor oil. He has published many articles reporting its benefits for various imbalances such as liver and gall bladder disorders, abscesses, headaches, appendicitis, hemorrhoids, reproductive aliments and constipation, all of which can be alleviated with the application of a castor oil pack.
Castor oil packs are absorbed through the skin to improve the body’s ability to assimilate nutrients, eliminate toxins, and increase circulation. Primarily, castor oil’s healing constituents stimulate the body’s immune system functioning and reduce signs of infection. The benefits of castor oil are used to balance inflammation, digestion, and circulation.
Through Dr. McGarey’s research on the external use of castor oil packs on the abdominal area he theorized that they work by strengthening the Peyer’s Patches, an area of lymphatic tissue located on the small intestine. This action facilitates the communication between the autonomic and cerebrospinal nervous systems facilitating the overall health of the entire nervous and immune systems. Research to support his theory has been published in the Journal of Naturopathic Medicine, which included a double blind study that measured the lymphocyte values of participants before and after the application of castor oil packs. The study found that the application of castor oil packs had a positive influence on the lymphatic system and increased immunity. They found that castor oil acted as an anti-toxin which increased lymphocyte production, boosting the body’s defense system.
Castor oil packs are an easy inexpensive home remedy to implement. To make a castor oil pack you will need a flannel cloth, castor oil, plastic wrap and a heating pad. The castor oil pack can be a little messy so it is important to pay attention to detail to limit drips and spills. Begin by folding the flannel cloth into approximately an 8 inch by 12 inch rectangle. It should be folded so that it has two or three layers of thickness and can easily cover the entire abdominal area up to the liver. After the flannel has been cut and sized it should be soaked in a pan with castor oil, then gently removed, any excess oil should be rung out, then place the flannel on the abdomen. A plastic wrap may be applied to hold the flannel in place and reduce excess oil from spilling. A heating pad can then be applied over the top of the plastic wrap and a large towel can be wrapped around the body to hold everything in place. The castor oil pack should be left in place for one to three hours, so this is a good time to rest, catch up on some reading or take a nap. Once completed the castor oil pack can be removed. The flannel can remain in the plastic wrap and put in the refrigerator for future use. The castor oil can be removed from the skin with a damp cloth. Oil pack treatments can be repeated on a schedule of three days of oil pack treatments and four days off. For successful castor oil treatments it is ideal to allow enough time for the full treatments.