Smudging is a method of purification which involves burning herbs to balance the vibrational levels of the physical body, aura and atmosphere. It is a ritual therapy developed by Native Americans which involve burning loose herbs in a bowl or shell, then directing the smoke around the physical body, home or other sacred items. When used as a regular practice it helps to center the mind, eliminate internal chatter, and focus on the present. As the spirit becomes attuned to a higher vibration the nervous system relaxes and the physical body becomes purified.
Smudging can be done any time of day or evening. In the morning it prepares us for the day ahead and at night it clears the day’s activities from the mind. By removing harmful emotions such as stress, anger, or depression, it prepares oneself for bed. Smudging can also be used to cleanse objects of negative energy. Things such as a car, house, work tools or office space can be smudged by concentrating energy on the object during the ritual and releasing the smoke. Smudging can also be done alone or in a group, as a collective it allows individuals to become centered and united.
To perform a smudging ceremony only a few items are needed: the herb you would like a burn, bowl, shell or other container you would like to burn the herb in, and matches. Traditionally Native Americans used herbs such as sage, mugwort, cedar, juniper and sweet grass. For general use, any of the mentioned herbs can be used, however experts state that each herb works differently and will have a unique effect on the aura and body. Sage is burned to remove bad spirits and energy. Cedar can be used to lift a prayer up along with the smoke. Sweet grass is usually burnt to bring in positive spirits and is burnt after cedar or sage has expelled the bad spirits. The herbs can be burnt alone or mixed together. After you have chosen the herbs you would like to burn, place a small handful in the bowl, shell or container used to burn the herbs and ignite them with a match. The herbs should begin to smolder and produce smoke. Begin by smudging yourself first. Try to cover your entire body with four passages of smoke. Take your hands and cup the smoke, pulling it over your body. A feather can also be used to direct the smoke toward the person smudging. Start by pulling smoke over your head, then the torso, back and lower body. While smudging yourself, you may say a silent prayer or send an intention to someone or something in your life. After you have smudged yourself pass the bowl or container holding the herbs to the person clockwise from you. Continue passing the bowl until the entire group has been smudged. If any objects are being smudged they should be done after everyone in the group has been smudged. When smudging an object use your hand or a feather to brush smoke over, under and around the object, work to cover the entire object with smoke. If smudging a room work in a clockwise rotation and try to fill the various areas with smoke. Mentally ask negative energy to leave and be sure to leave a window cracked so negative energy can exit. When the herbs have finished burning they can be returned to the earth by placing them outside around a tree.