Ayurveda does not have a magic pill for COVID-19. But it does offer many therapies to support the respiratory system, increase immunity, and reduce stress during these uncertain times. As we enter spring, we come into kapha season. Externally snow melts from mountain peaks, internally it melts within the respiratory and digestive systems. The heavy foods consumed over the winter months start to break down, and we experience more congestion and seasonal allergies. During spring, Ayurveda Continue Reading
Try the Delicious Benefits of Ghee
Top 10 Reasons to use Ghee 1. Rich in fat soluble vitamins A.D, E & K. 2. Helps the body switch to fat burning mode, assisting in weight loss. 3. Loaded in butyric acid, a fatty acid that feeds the beneficial bacteria in your gut, supporting healthy flora. 4. Ghee is a great carrier for the medicinal properties found in herbs and spices, that is why ghee is used in so many herbal formulas. 5. The butyric acid found in ghee supports the production of killer T cells in the gut, promoting Continue Reading
3 Ayurvedic Foods to Balance Blood Sugar
The standard American Diet (SAD) in filled with artificial ingredients, and hybridized and refined byproducts making it difficult to balance blood sugar. Within one generation of the introduction of refined foods many degenerative diseases such as T2D (type-2 diabetes) have proliferated globally (Mozaffarian 187). The more deviated foods become from their natural state, the less ability they have to nourish the body and become toxic burdens. These foods manifest into waste products that the body Continue Reading
What do Cameron Diaz, Kate Hudson, and Gwyneth Paltrow have in common?
Their constitution……they are all Vata types. According to Ayurveda we all have a unique mind/body type, just as we are all genetically unique, so are we within our Ayurvedic constitution. People who have more vata in their constitution are like the wind, consistently changing, moving and scattering things around. Vata governs the principle of movement. Vata is the downward flow of energy in the pelvis, responsible for elimination, urination, menstruation and childbirth. Vata is the energy that Continue Reading