Creation of the Universe Every wonder how the universe was created? Well, the theory of creation in Ayurveda begins with the most subtle form of pure cosmic consciousness and evolves into the five elements which are the smallest forms of matter (ether, air, fire, water and earth) which are found within ourselves and within nature. Ayurveda is based on the concept that everything is interrelated and interdependent; we are a microcosm within a macrocosm. According to Ayurveda, each human is Continue Reading
Ayurveda for Jet Lag
Jet lag can be rough. Tired, groggy, sluggish, constipated, dehydrated and totally out of it! All you want to do is enjoy your precious vacation, why does it have to be so difficult? Well, the good news is I have some very helpful tips from the wisdom of ayurveda that may help you recover quicker and prevent discomfort: Water- drink half your body weight in ounces for two days before your flight and drink warm water all day during the flight. Shilajit -herb for Continue Reading
Ah, Sleep……….
In our busy and hectic lives the importance of restful sleep is often overlooked and under stressed. Research has shown that 75% of people have difficulty sleeping and more often people sleeping closer to six hours per night rather than the recommended eight. Loss of a few hours of sleep here and there should not cause alarm, it is the chronic sleep loss that has an effect on health. Research from Harvard Medical School has shown that that loss of sleep can decrease learning and memory, cause Continue Reading