Nasya is the administration of oil through the nostril. As we enter the cold, dry vata winter months nasya is especially important to lubricate the tissues and protection from germs. It is an ayurvedic daily practice that has been shown to help remove toxins from the head resulting in more clarity of the mind, reduced stress, and prevention of wrinkles in the face. It is regularly used in ayurveda to treat stress, headaches, anxiety, sleep disorders, sinusitis, colds, allergies and depression.
To preform nasya, hang your head off the bed so your nose is pointing directly at the ceiling, then put 3-5 drops of warm ghee or oil into each nostril. This practice is especially important after neti, or Ayurvedic nasal irrigation, which cleans debris from the nasal passages but can often leave them dried out. Make sure to wait a few hours after neti, so that all the water is removed from the sinuses to administer nasya. For specific dosha imbalances you may use one of the following oils: