The Sanscrit name of this chakra is manipura, meaning lustrous gem. The solar plexus chakra is associated with the fire element and parts of our consciousness having to do with perceptions of power, control, motivation, and ingenuity. This third chakra corresponds with issues related to the ego, personality and creation of self. It also includes gifts of unconditional support, friendship and personal dignity, and the formation of self-esteem.
In its clear state, the solar plexus represents ease of being and comfort with one’s true self. The parts of the body associated with this chakra include the organs closest to the solar plexus such as the stomach, gallbladder, spleen, liver, as well as the skin, muscular system, and the face. The physical sense associated with this chakra is sight. Those with impaired eyesight experiences tension in the solar plexus chakra and may experience issues involving power, control, or freedom.
The endocrine gland associated with the solar plexus chakra is the pancreas. Perhaps, one could say that diabetics are keeping sweetness from themselves. When someone gets too close with sweetness, they feel threatened in their power to be who they are. The emotion is anger; therefore those who have pancreatic imbalances may also experience issues with suppressed anger. The element associated with this chakra is fire, and the person’s relationship with the sun says something about their relationship with the parts of their consciousness associated with the solar plexus chakra.
Color: yellow
Location: solar plexus
Endocrine glands: pancreas and adrenals
Note: E
Developmental stage: 18 months to 3+ years of age
Element: Fire
Therapy for the Solar plexus: Traditionally called Nadhibasti, this treatment is used to balance the subtle channels of digestion. It begins with a localized steam and gentle massage over the abdominal area with herbal oils. Then a dam made out of dough is placed over the navel area and warm herbal oil is gently poured in and collected. This is an excellent treatment to relieve indigestion, gas, bloating and constipation.
For questions or to book your appointment call (831) 818-6660.