The Sanskrit name of the root chakra is muladhara, meaning root support. The root chakra is associated with the parts of our consciousness that revolve around security, survival and trust. For most people, this includes issues with basic survival, as the root chakra concerns the energy and desire to be rooted in the physical world and self-preservation. When this chakra is in its clear state, we feel secure, present and grounded. A threat to survival causes tension in the root chakra which is experienced as insecurity or anxiety.
Excess energy in the root chakra can cause feelings of possessiveness and strong unhealthy attachments to material objects. The parts of the body controlled by this chakra include the skeletal system, legs, and elimination system. The adrenal glands are the endocrine gland associated with the root chakra. Symptoms in the physical aspects associated with the root charka are an indicator that the person is experiencing the world with instability and distress. The physical sense of smell, therefore the nose is associated with the root chakra. Symptoms at the level of the nose or tensions affecting the sense of smell reflect issues at the level of the root chakra.
Color: red
Location: base of the spine, coccygeal, and perineum.
Endocrine gland: adrenals
Note: C
Developmental stage: womb to 12 months of age.
Element: earth
Therapy for the Root Chakra
Adrenal therapy is a must for anyone who is under chronic stress and is feeling fatigue. It includes a localized herbal steam and massage over the low back and kidney area. Then a dam is made out of dough and placed over the adrenal glands and a collection of warm herbal oil is poured into the dam over the kidney/adrenal area, melting away chronic stress, tension and fatigue. This therapy restores and replenishes energy reserves, and melts away stress and tension.