The Sanskrit name for the throat chakra is visuddha, meaning purification. The throat chakra includes the parts of consciousness involved in expressing and receiving.
This fifth chakra aids in the power of communication and self-expression and corresponds to the energy of intuition, courage, truth and guidance. Self-expression can be in the form of speech and communication or it can be conveyed as an artistic medium such as painting, dancing, or music to externalize what is experienced within.
The throat chakra is associated with abundance and the state of consciousness referred to as grace. Grace occurs when we accept what abundance the universe offers us, which requires an attitude that advocates unconditional receiving. Most of us may not initially accept the loss of a job or loved one as a gift from a higher power; however the universe provides us with these opportunities for change and evolution.
This chakra is also associated with listening to one’s intuition and rolling in the direction that the universe takes you. Someone experiencing the world through this chakra will manifest his or her goals. The throat chakra is the first level of consciousness from which one perceives and interacts with an enlightened level of intellectual functioning.
The parts of the body associated with this chakra include the throat, shoulders, arms, hands and thyroid. The sense of hearing is concomitant with this chakra, as well as the element ether. Ether is the subtlest physical element found in deep space. It is the threshold between physical and spiritual dimensions.
Color: blue
Location: throat
Endocrine gland: thyroid
Note: G
Developmental stage: 7 to 12 years of age
Element: ether
Treatment for the throat chakra: Traditionally called Greevabasti, this is an ayurvedic neck care and hot herbal oil therapy. This treatment starts with a localized herbal steam and massage. Followed by collection of warm herbal oil placed over the neck. Bathing the area in medicated oil works to improve circulation, loosen tight muscles and relieve stiffness. The procedure includes oleation and sudation around the neck region simultaneously. Amazingly beneficial for chronic tension and pain in the neck region.
For questions or to book your appointment, please call 831-818-6660.